Portus 37 – May 2019

La multidimensión geopolítica y urbana de Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Durante el encuentro de RETE en el mes de febrero en Barcelona (“Barcelona Dos”, 15 February 2019, encuentro reservado a los Socios, al Comité Científico e los Invitados), si algo ha quedado definitivamente expuesto y no admite más explicaciones, es ...

Quepos: the pier and the city
It is night and it is hot, even the sea breeze feels hot. I'm sitting on the dock in Quepos, thinking about the history of this infrastructure and the changes that are announced. From here, the Marina Pez Vela is ...

The beautiful Yvonne of Louisiana
It’s a warm summer night, the moon is shining and her light beams glitter on the surface of the freshwater of a bay of the Mississippi delta, thus framing warm and spicy crustaceans. This is the perfect scenario for a ...

Ocean Space, a home for the oceans in Venice
The project is called "Ocean Space". After two years of major restoration and renovation work, the historic church of San Lorenzo in Venice reopens and becomes the "home of the oceans" of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation, an academy so far nomadic ...

Maritime Networks and connectivity in the Mediterranean
Theater for millennia of one of the most fruitful areas in the world for trade and exchange, the Mediterranean, "sea between the lands", as its etymology indicates, owes its fortune to a transport network that connects the cities facing it ...

Chronia in Canary Islands
Chronia travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from nowhere to everywhere, searching places, people and cultures on the coasts and bays of this world ...