Ports Cannot Afford to Waste the Enormous Potential that Women Represent in their Activity

Los puertos no pueden permitirse el lujo de desaprovechar el enorme potencial que representa la mujer…

Inclusion of Women: A Real Leverage for the Competitiveness of EU Ports

The inclusion of women in European ports, which have been historically male-dominated environments, is increasingly recognized…

The Digital Innovation Center of the Port of Algeciras as a Natural Evolution of its Port Innovation Model

El Centro de Innovación Digital del Puerto de Algeciras como evolución natural de su modelo portuario…

European Ports are Very Clear that Sustainability is the Roadmap
Interview with Gerardo LANDALUCE CALLEJA, President of the Algeciras Bay Port Authority

Los puertos europeos tenemos muy claro que la sostenibilidad es la hoja de ruta Entrevista con…

Challenges and Opportunities in Algeciras. Relevant Factors for the Relationship Between Port and City
Interview with José Ignacio LANDALUCE CALLEJA, Mayor of the Algeciras City Council

Retos y oportunidades en Algeciras. Factores relevantes para la relación puerto-ciudad Entrevista con José Ignacio LANDALUCE…

A Cruise Passenger in Spanish Ports: The Experience Starts Here

Un crucerista en los puertos españoles: la experiencia comienza aquí La perspectiva tradicional que los puertos…

The Technological Innovation Districts: New “Icons” of the Urban-Port Waterfronts?

¿Los distritos tecnológicos de innovación: nuevos “iconos” de los frentes urbano – portuarios? Desde que se…

The digital divide in ports: a great threat to their competitiveness

La brecha digital en los puertos: una gran amenaza para su competitividad En el numero anterior…

Processes of digitalization and automation in port activities: the case of São Francisco do Sul port in Santa Catarina, Brasil

Santa Catarina ports Santa Catarina has one of the best port infrastructures of the country and…

Today, more than ever, collaboration between administrations it becomes necessary to achieve the best integration of ports with their environment
Interview with Álvaro RODRÍGUEZ DAPENA, President of Organismo Público Puertos del Estado

Hoy más que nunca se hace necesaria la colaboración entre administraciones para lograr la mejor integración…

Digitalization, automatization and impact of new technologies on the port-city relationships (I)

La digitalización, automatización y el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones puerto-ciudad (I) El…

Smart ports for smart cities

Puertos inteligentes para ciudades inteligentes Actualmente el transporte marítimo mueve aproximadamente un 80% de las mercancías…

The effect of digitization on the efficiency of processes and decision making in the supply chain

The emergence of global networks affected the relationship between the nodes of the supply chain and…

Biometric solutions for the operational simplification of boarding processes

Within the Maritime Transport ecosystem, the flow of people is of great relevance for different public…

Digitalization, a key tool for improving port-city relationships

La digitalizacion, herramienta clave para la mejora de la relaciones puerto-ciudad “Quienes poseen los datos poseen…

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