Women in Ports. Introduction
Work in the port sector is still very gendered. According to an Unctad port performance scorecard [1] women’s participation rate ...

Women’s Participation and Added Value in the Port Sector Interview with Teófila MARTÍNEZ SAIZ, President of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority and President of RETE
Participación de las mujeres y valor añadido en el sector portuario Entrevista con Teófila MARTÍNEZ SAIZ, Presidenta de la Autoridad ...

Women in Ports: Adding Color to the Port
I am very grateful for having the opportunity to write and reflect about women in port cities, since both the ...

Inclusion of Women: A Real Leverage for the Competitiveness of EU Ports
The inclusion of women in European ports, which have been historically male-dominated environments, is increasingly recognized as essential for fostering ...

Stirring the Waters: The Role of Women Workers in Ports and in the Union Movement
Smuoviamo le acque: il ruolo delle lavoratrici nei porti e nel movimento sindacale I porti svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella ...

Gender Equality, a Worthy Cause for our Ports’ Progress
Parità di genere, una battaglia giusta per il progresso dei nostri porti L'industria logistica portuale è un pilastro dell'economia globale ...

Women Born for Logistics
Donne nate per la logistica Ricopro dal 1990, la carica di Amministratore nella storica azienda di famiglia “Angelo Perez & ...

The Visibility of Women in Spanish Ports Remains Low and Uneven
La visibilidad de las mujeres en los puertos españoles sigue siendo poca y desigual Dar visibilidad a las oportunidades profesionales ...

Women in the Logistics, Maritime and Port Sector: Why Not?…….Why Yes!
Las mujeres en el sector logístico, marítimo y portuario: ¿Por qué no?…….¡Por qué si! Las imágenes de hombres fuertes gestionando ...

Navigating Equality: Empowering Women in the Maritime Industry of Northern Europe
(yet) It’s a Man’s World: Gender Issues in the Maritime Industry Historically, the maritime industry has been male dominated. Apart ...

The Role of Women’s Associations to Achieve Greater Participation of Women in the Maritime, Port, Foreign Trade and Logistics Sector in Peru
El rol de las asociaciones femeninas para la participación de la mujer en el sector marítimo, portuario, comercio exterior y ...

Gender Equity in Peruvian Port Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Equidad de género en la gestión portuaria peruana: desafíos y oportunidades Desafíos en la participación de la mujer en el ...

Growth of Female Work in Artisanal Fishing: Challenges of the Chilean Experience
Crecimiento del Trabajo Femenino en la Pesca Artesanal: Desafíos de la Experiencia Chilena Durante los últimos 20 años en Chile, ...

Women in Port Cities: Governance and Gender Equity in the Brazilian Port Sector
Mujeres en las ciudades portuarias: gobernanza y equidad de género en el sector portuario brasileño El sector portuario brasileño ha ...