Gender Equality, a Worthy Cause for our Ports’ Progress

Parità di genere, una battaglia giusta per il progresso dei nostri porti L’industria logistica portuale è…

Stirring the Waters: The Role of Women Workers in Ports and in the Union Movement

Smuoviamo le acque: il ruolo delle lavoratrici nei porti e nel movimento sindacale I porti svolgono…

5G technologies as a differentiation of competitiveness and port logistics management

Las tecnologías 5G como diferenciación de Competitividad y Gestión de Logística Portuaria La adopción acelerada del…

The port-city integration as a driver for port growth and urban development in Tuscany region: the case of Livorno and Marina di Carrara

L’integrazione città-porto come volano per la crescita portuale e lo sviluppo urbano in Toscana: il caso…

Livorno: Port-city network co-design following the “Smart Landscape” approach

The smart city model is more and more adopted at European and national scales. It proposes…

Shipyard embrace sustainability

Established in 1873, Benetti is Italy’s oldest shipyard specialized in luxury yachts and an icon of…

City-port integration in the context of digital and energy transformation

European and Mediterranean ports and port cities are undergoing a great transformation, smart and digital, which…

Rethinking city-port governance in the times of Covid-19 pandemic: Livorno Municipality response to the crisis

The Covid-19 crisis changed the face of many cities and questioned how to manage urban life…

Livorno welcomes from the sea: welfare facilities and services to support seafarers

We are used to seeing ports as places for trade, logistical hubs for goods, the port…

Ship-port-city integration and environmental sustainability

Interview with Giuseppe Tarzia, Admiral Harbour Master of Coast Guard of Livorno     Dania Cordaz…

The Port of Livorno: the gateway between the city and the sea

Interview with Stefano Corsini, President of the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority Marco Casale –…

Porta a Mare: the New Face of Livorno toward the Sea

The name Porta a Mare identifies the extensive urban redevelopment project that involves a waterfront area…

Gobernanza e institucionalidad del sistema portuario chileno: aplicación a Puerto Valparaíso

Mucho se ha escrito sobre Sistemas de Gobernanza Portuaria y sus efectos en el mercado, sus…

Livorno, the Port Center for a new port-city integration

“Livorno is an example of how integration and cultural contamination could reach levels of excellence and…

El Proyecto Seatoland

Seatoland [1] comienza su andadura el 7 de julio de de 2010, con la firma del contrato entre La…

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