Portus 38 – November 2019

Port-City-Regions in a Time of Transitions: Value Deliberation on Port City Futures
Politicians, academics, and citizens in many cities around the world have started to pay close attention to technological innovations and economic aspects of ongoing energy and digital transitions; they generally pay less attention to soft values, such as governance structures, ...

PROCIP: Decade One
The Integral Research Program for the Development of Port Cities (acronym in Spanish as PROCIP) celebrates its first 10 years, with great satisfaction for the achievements, and at the same time, with great enthusiasm for the new challenges. The PROCIP ...

Competitividad global. Sostenibilidad local
La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), a través de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos (CIP), en asociación con la Autoridad Portuaria Nacional del Perú y el Ministerio de Transporte español, representado por el Puerto de Santander, ha realizado en Lima, ...

Temple and the merchants
In Inhabited by 3 million people and 4 million with its surroundings, at first sight Casablanca might seem an international and cosmopolitan metropolis. However, after closer experience, Casa (as friendly nicknamed by her inhabitants), reveals to be a city tightly ...

Mappa Insulae
«They tell me that some are not interested in maps; I struggle to believe it... Even if the map is not the whole plot, as in Treasure Island, it will always prove a mine of suggestions». Robert Louis Stevenson Chris ...