Portus 32 – December 2016

INCOP: Port and city thanks to a law
The Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (called in Spanish as INCOP), recently enrolled to RETE, is an autonomous institution that manages five ports of Costa Rica, and also has the mission to strengthen, with works of interest, the development ...

La Cuenca del Plata. Un extenso territorio del agua, para la integración sudamericana
Durante el siglo XVI, los viajes de conquista de Juan Díaz de Solís y de Fernando de Magallanes, la Cuenca del Plata fue la entrada al sur de Sudamérica y a partir de ese momento el espacio fluvial para la ...

Universities and Ports Cities: Stumbling Block, Place Filler or Innovation Hub?
In 1911, under the aegis of Hamburg’s General Lecture system, an academic lecture hall was inaugurated on Edmund Siemers Allee, a boulevard named after a local merchant who sponsored the building. Despite public opposition to the creation of a university ...

Unexpected port cities on the Swedish coast
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part – ‘surrounding landscape’ refers to physical landscapes in ...

Navegar a la búsqueda de la identidad en “El puerto prohibido”
Una de las novelas gráficas más destacadas del 2015 y 2016 es sin duda “El puerto prohibido”, de la guionista Teresa Radice y el dibujante Stefano Turconi, pareja artística y sentimental que publican su primera novela gráfica después de trabajar ...

This could be Rotterdam or anywhere
This could be Rotterdam … on your first date with Hollandse nieuwe, the herrings caught in the North Sea during the months of May and June, cured-in-brine and then served simply with grounded white onion, to eat upside of taking ...