
Portus, diez años después / Portus, ten years later.
by Joan Alemany, Rinio Bruttomesso

Los frentes marítimos urbanos: una perspectiva de fijación y flujo / Changing Urban Waterfronts: A Fixity and Flow Perspective
by Gene Desfor, Jennefer Laidley

Istanbul tra globale e locale. Waterfronts e nuove immagini urbane / Istanbul between Global and Local. Waterfronts and new Urban Images
by Cecilia Scoppetta

Maghreb Port Cities in Transition: the case of Tangier / Las ciudades portuarias del Magreb en transición: el caso de Tánger
by César Ducruet, Fatima Zohra Mohamed-Chérif, Najib Cherfaoui

Messina. Il progetto per il waterfront: una sfida per il XXI secolo / The Project for the Waterfront in Messina. A Challenge for the XXIst Century
by Michelangelo Savino

Málaga, el puerto industrial como paisaje urbano / Malaga, Industrial Port as Urban Landscape
by Maria José Andrade Marqués

Sviluppo delle crociere e rigenerazione urbana: quali legami possibili? Casi studio dal progetto URBACT-CTUR / Cruise Traffic Development and Urban Regeneration: possible links? Case Studies from the URBACT-CTUR Project
by Vittorio Torbianelli, Teresa Frausin

Las ciudades portuarias atlánticas: devolverles la mirada al mar / The Atlantic Port Cities: Turning to Face the Sea again
by Tamara Guirao Espiñeira, Maria Montoiro Salvado

Cos’è un porto? / What’s a Port?
by Patrizia Lupi

Changing Urban Waterfronts: A Fixity and Flow Perspective / Los frentes marítimos urbanos: una perspectiva de fijación y flujo
by Gene Desfor, Jennefer Laidley

Devolviendo la vida a la ciudad: regenerando la zona portuaria de Valeta / Restoring Life in the City: Regenerating the Valletta Grand Harbour Area
by Nadia Theuma, Anthony Theuma

El puerto y la ciudad de A Coruña / The Port and the City of A Coruña
by Enrique Maciñeira Alonso, Irene Souto Blázquez