Portus 25 – June 2013

Port cities in a landscape perspective
This column will invite you over the forthcoming issues of PORTUS to apprehend port cities in a landscape perspective – something that hasn’t been done so far. Landscape, generally speaking, is a rather unknown and often misunderstood concept. In this ...

Paper Sailors
The singular behavior of the seafaring community (both sailors and those family members and workers whose livelihood depends on the sea) constitutes a source of identity and a distinction that marks them out from other communities. Taken together, these distinctive ...

The Taste of Port Cities. Eat and the City
Alberto Savinio was strolling down the streets of Milan, listening to the heart of one of his dearest cities [1] ; Italo Calvino, wandering about thousands of cities, was looking for their soul, powerful probe of the soul of man ...

Cantos de puerto, cantos de arrabal
Él se fue una tarde con rumbo ignorado en el mismo barco que lo trajo a mí; pero entre mis labios se dejó olvidado un beso de amante que yo le pedí. Errante lo busco por todos los puertos; a ...

The long and dangerous journey, the endless exile, the troubled, difficult and ingenious adventure of Ulysses’ return to the homeland, as told in the Odyssey, represent for Virgílio Costa, in his latest poetic production entitled Volta à Ítaca, the cultural ...

Social License for Canadian Ports
Global economic growth has led to increased cargo through put in many Canadian ports. Increased cargo often does not mean much to local communities as it is usually destined for North American inland markets. The net result may be “global ...