Port cities in a landscape perspective
This column will invite you over the forthcoming issues of PORTUS to apprehend port cities in a landscape perspective – ...

Paper Sailors
The singular behavior of the seafaring community (both sailors and those family members and workers whose livelihood depends on the ...

The Taste of Port Cities. Eat and the City
Alberto Savinio was strolling down the streets of Milan, listening to the heart of one of his dearest cities [1] ...

Cantos de puerto, cantos de arrabal
Él se fue una tarde con rumbo ignorado en el mismo barco que lo trajo a mí; pero entre mis ...

The long and dangerous journey, the endless exile, the troubled, difficult and ingenious adventure of Ulysses’ return to the homeland, ...

Social License for Canadian Ports
Global economic growth has led to increased cargo through put in many Canadian ports. Increased cargo often does not mean ...

Costa Rica and Panama: appreciations around port city concept
Puntarenas People interested in the study of the port-cities with recently visits into Central America, particularly in Costa Rica and ...

The Latin American port system as facilitator of territorial development
The Latin America Port System as a facilitator of territorial development The thirty-fourth session of the Economic Commission for Latin ...

The PORTA project. Ports as a Gateway for Accessing Inner Regions
The PORTA (Ports as a Gateway for Accessing Inner Regions) project brings together partners from five Mediterranean countries (FEPORTS -leader- ...

New York: when Sandy scans too certainties
Hurricane Sandy, who swept the north-east coast of the United States in late October 2012, was called "Storm of the ...

Ariul a new city on the water. Saemangeum, South Korea
Saemangeum, on the coast of the Yellow Sea becomes the port city of Ariul, an economic and multifunctional new hub ...

Istanbul Seaport. Istanbul, Turkey
To the south of the Bosphorus strait, Istanbul Seaport is an ambitious mixed-use project (61.4 hectares) overlooking the Sea of ...

Qianhai Port City. Shenzhen, China
Qianhai Port City (OMA Architect), situated at the threshold of Hong Kong, occupies a position of strategic significance in the ...

City and port. Sochi, Russia
Sochi that will host the 2014 Winter Olympics is as one of the largest construction zones in the world. The ...

Old ports, new ideas: two-cycle design
The transformation of ports and waterfronts over the last 50 years has produced the most interesting and innovative spaces in ...

Waterfront redevelopment: the fragility of local benefits
After decades of waterfront redevelopment, there is a crucial need to discuss what have been the economic and social benefits ...

Genova, dal waterfront alla città portuale del XXI secolo. Intervista con Bruno Gabrielli
Bruno Gabrielli, professore emerito presso la Scuola Politecnica dell'Università di Genova, è stato presidente dell’ANCSA (Associazione Nazionale Centri Storico-Artistici) dal ...