Rotterdam: A Historical Perspective for the Future

Small but beautiful The fishing village of Rotterdam was founded in 1270 when the river Rotte,…

Los puertos mediterráneos en el actual escenario del transporte marítimo internacional de contenedores

“Have you ever reflected on what an important sea the Mediterranean is?” James Joyce in a…

I nuovi scenari marittimi e le sfide del Mediterraneo

Il Mediterraneo è un mare in cui circola il 20% del totale del traffico marittimo mondiale…

Nueve Lecciones Portuarias Fundamentales

Para quienes hemos tenido la suerte de ser testigos privilegiados en los últimos veinte años del…

About the Fjord City from the Port’s point of view

Background From Port of Oslo perspective the discussions regarding the Waterfront development in Oslo started long…

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