Digitalization, automatization and impact of new technologies on the port-city relationships (I)
La digitalización, automatización y el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones puerto-ciudad (I) El REPORT de la presente ...

City-Port 5.0: The new era of digitization and automation
As the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is being overcome, automation as a service is going to lead us ...

Smart ports for smart cities
Puertos inteligentes para ciudades inteligentes Actualmente el transporte marítimo mueve aproximadamente un 80% de las mercancías comercializadas por todo el ...

The effect of digitization on the efficiency of processes and decision making in the supply chain
The emergence of global networks affected the relationship between the nodes of the supply chain and their market areas. From ...

Livorno: Port-city network co-design following the “Smart Landscape” approach
The smart city model is more and more adopted at European and national scales. It proposes solutions and use cases ...

The Ports that Generate Wealth and Employment
Los puertos generadores de riqueza y empleo En un momento en el que el desempleo juvenil roza el 37% cifra ...

Port of Barcelona, a 360º smart port
Port de Barcelona, un smart port 360º La transformación digital está modificando enormemente los negocios, incluso los más tradicionales. Es ...

Digitalization in the port of Valencia: two case studies
The strategy for developing ports to attract cargo was traditionally based on designing infrastructure, offering efficient services or competing on ...

From digital transformation to open innovation at Port of Algeciras Bay
De la transformación digital a la innovación abierta en el Puerto Bahía de Algeciras Los puertos, considerados nodos logísticos estratégicos ...

A commitment to sustainability through automation. The Hutchison Ports/BEST container terminal at the Port of Barcelona
Containerised port traffic is the most widely used system in international freight transport. Ships and marine terminals have evolved to ...

Biometric solutions for the operational simplification of boarding processes
Within the Maritime Transport ecosystem, the flow of people is of great relevance for different public and private entities.In recent ...