Portus 34 – December 2017

Puntarenas: Cruise trips and local impact of the tropical storm Nate
Costa Rica is located in a region of the world where storms and hurricanes are frequent during a part of the year, and although the affections are not usually as strong as in the Caribbean islands or in Florida (USA), ...

Spaces of Flows – Spaces of Friction: Planning the intersections
The recent flooding in Houston, Texas, caused by Hurricane Harvey, underscores the need for citizens, politicians, and planners alike to conceive of water not only as a shared resource but also, with climate change, a collective risk that requires a ...

Lights on the city
At the beginning it was Chandlers Street. If “street names are like the title of chapters of the history book of a city “(cit. Ferdinand Gregorovius), Chandlers Street owns at least two of them. The first chapter is very interesting ...

Oslo’s Harbour Promenade between the city and the fjord
As in many other European port cities, the transformation of the waterfront in Oslo - one of the major urban planning initiatives during the past century - is taking place where port activities in the central area have being moved ...

Advances in Shipping Data Analysis. Contributions to maritime studies
The last two years 2016 and 2017 have been particularly productive in terms of large-scale, edited publications about maritime-related topics. All of them condense such a vast quantity of contributors, questions, sources, methods, and operate across so many scientifically disciplines, ...

Chronia in Napoli and Capri
Chronia's travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from nowhere to everywhere, searching places, people and cultures on the coasts and bays of this world. [as_tejus_mu_carousel id=10] ...