Panama, MAY 7 TO 12
PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne, Transport and Infrastructure, and The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) will co-host the 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama.
The PIANC World Congress 2018 will present and discuss the most relevant topics to the waterborne transport infrastructure sector. The renowned international event is open to members and non-members. Participants and presenters are sought from every continent regarding best practices and innovation.
The PIANC 2018 Congress will include:
- Technical Short Courses
- Plenary Sessions
- Concurrent Technical Session Tracks
- Industry Exhibition
- Technical Tours
- Networking Events
- Accompanying Persons Cultural Tours
PIANC’s goal is to advance the sustainable development of shallow and deep-draft navigation issues including dredging and dredged material disposal, navigation and port infrastructure, recreational navigation and related environmental matters, with the extraordinary opportunity to participate in on-site visits and learn first-hand details about the operation of the traditional and expanded Panama Canal, a wonder of engineering celebrated worldwide.