Friends of Molo San Vincenzo: Action Research and Collaborative Planning
The research group focusing on seaside cities has been working since 2009 with the aim of defining and testing new approaches and action methodologies in processes of transformation of coastal ...

Venezia, la città, il porto
Non credo che vi siano altre città di mare nelle quali la simbiosi con le funzioni portuali sia stata così intima come a Venezia: dove porto e città convivono e ...

Catania: reclaiming the sea
According to an account by Pliny the Elder (79 AD), the origins of the coastal settlement of the city of Catania date back to the period of Greek colonisation. It ...

Recuperación y valorización del espacio, marítimo militar e industrial del litoral atlántico. La ciudad de Ferrol en Galicia
La ciudad de Ferrol, en el noroeste de la península Ibérica, nace en torno a un asentamiento inicial en el puerto natural protegido, la Ría de Ferrol. Su núcleo original, ...