New neighbors in the Caribbean port cities: invasive species
They arrived by accident at the beginning of this century. They found a paradise in this region and decided to ...

Los puertos latinoamericanos y la perspectiva multipolar del siglo XXI
Joseph Samuel Nye, geopolitólogo y profesor de la Kennedy School of Government de la Universidad de Harvard, desarrolló los conceptos ...

Ports networking: the Morocco knocks major
Overall traffic Moroccan ports rose above 22% during the first half of 2014 over 60 million tonnes were shipped, placing ...

Do mega-ships need mega-ports?
Mega-ships are here to stay, if you like it or not. The last decade has seen a doubling of the ...

Rotterdam’s urban metabolism. Project atelier to intertwine the flows of port and city
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area ...

Maritime networks in space and time
The international workshop “Maritime networks in space and time” (Paris, 16-18 June 2014) is probably the first event of the ...

Cómo explicar tu puerto: un viaje con diez destinos marítimos
Numerosos puertos han reconocido las posibilidades pedagógicas de los cómics y de los libros ilustrados para explicar su propia historia, ...

Naples. Two Tales of one City. Second Tale: The Royal Court Cuisine
Cooking of capital cities, even the more modest, always own a je ne sais quoi of royalty. Excellent and creative ...

“The Atlantic is the classic ocean of our imaginings, an industrial ocean of cold and iron and salt, a purposeful ...

Chronia travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from ...

The real estate sector invests on the water cities
Real estate and urban redevelopment at the EIRE in Milan Relaunching the real estate sector in this particular moment of ...

Tallinn Seaplane Harbour, Tallinn, Estonia
The history of the Seaplane Harbour hangars goes back to the building of Peter the Great’s Naval Fortress, plans for ...

Vadistanbul, Ayazağa, Istanbul
Artaş Group, Aydınlı Group, e Keleşoğlu İnşaat - the leading companies of the construction sector - are building Turkey’s most ...

Hualien Residences, Hualien County, Taiwan
Hualien is a rapidly developing city located in the middle portion of Taiwan’s East coast. Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) has ...

Jesselton Quay, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Jesselton Quay will be built on a 16.25 acre of port land which is strategically located at the waterfront of ...

Interview with the Vicepresident of Contship Italia Group
Alessandro Panaro - What are, in your opinion, the most competitive elements that a port must have in order to ...