Portus 33 – June 2017

Bordeaux – territorial, transversal, transscalar
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part – ‘surrounding landscape’ in this case refers to ...

GeoSeastems: an innovative tool to map global shipping flows. Application to the Mediterranean region
In the last ten years or so, online visualizations of maritime data become more and more numerous and popular. Their great majority uses Automated Identification Systems (AIS) data to map the current density of ships across the globe. In addition, ...

Submarinos de cómic
La primera obra de ficción “protagonizada” por un submarino es Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino, escrita por Jules Verne y publicada en varias entregas entre 1869 y 1870. Con su característico estilo de anticipación tecnológica, Verne se adelantaba varias ...

Cities inside the City on River Amstel
Paramaribo, Curaçao, Jakarta. Or, if we spoke the language of taste, we could use words like moksie alesie (super colourful rice with meat, chicken, mixed vegetables, white beans, chili and coconut milk), tutu (a creamy porridge made with black eye ...

Parc Rives de Seine: Paris recovers the banks of the Seine
Walking, resting, playing, in a word, “strolling" along the riverfront of Paris is today a 7km long reality that lies right where a few years ago there was an important car traffic artery along the Seine. With the re-enactment of ...

Chronia in the Canary Islands
Chronia's travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from nowhere to everywhere, searching places, people and cultures on the coasts and bays of this world. [as_tejus_mu_carousel id=9] ...