Portus 30 – October 2015

Limón and the hope in ports
The city of Limon is subject to various interpretations: a natural paradise made up of green and blue landscapes; abundant wildlife; a leader of the Afro-Caribbean culture, with its lush food and music of calypso and reggae roots and; a ...

Ciudades emergentes y sostenibles
La siguiente es una sucesiva compilación y asociación de diversos artículos surgidos de la información de la Iniciativa de Ciudades Emergentes y Sostenibles (ICES), bajo la idea de difundir un conjunto de ideas, procesos y actividades generados por el Banco ...

Greening port-cities: the need for collaboration
The title gives away the suspense. I want it to be clear from the outset where I am heading: greening ports and their cities can only succeed if cities and ports work on this together. Put differently: I think we ...

Professional and Academic Conferences on Port Cities: Connecting Past, Present, and Future
In cities with and without major ports, from Hamburg to Lisbon, from Paris to Barcelona, from Berlin to Los Angeles, from Barranquilla to Havana, from Durban to Dublin, port professionals and scholars from multiple disciplines have gathered to discuss port ...

Let’s walk to Europe
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part. This time, let us look at an emerging ...

Inter-Korean maritime flows: beyond the border?
The border between North Korea and South Korea is one of the world’s largest gaps of Human Development Index between neighbor countries as mapped by Didelon et al. (2008). This situation stems from historical legacies, namely the division of the ...