Waterfront and Umland. Port City Relations in Huelva

Waterfront y umland. Relaciones Puerto Ciudad en Huelva Metamorfosis de los espacios portuarios Los puertos aparecieron…

KPMC. Kaohsiung’s innovation district for pop music and culture

KPMC. Distrito de innovación de la música pop y la cultura de Kaohsiung El Puerto de…

The Technological Innovation Districts: New “Icons” of the Urban-Port Waterfronts?

¿Los distritos tecnológicos de innovación: nuevos “iconos” de los frentes urbano – portuarios? Desde que se…

Costa Rica: Coastal planning, port cities and natural resources

Costa Rica: planificación costera, ciudades portuarias y recursos naturales Costa Rica limita con dos cuerpos de…

Motril Open Port

The project Motril Open Port will realize an old desire of the Motril community: an open,…

Archipelago of Knowledge. A Diffuse Campus

The Archipelago of Knowledge is a new spatial strategy for the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands,…

Port(s) of Rotterdam

I present here a small selection from my on-going photographic project about the Port(s) of Rotterdam…

El Puerto de Cartagena, un espacio innovador y vivo al servicio del ciudadano

El Puerto de Cartagena es uno de los puertos más sostenibles del Mediterráneo, referente en el…

El patrimonio industrial en la sostenibilidad de la integración puerto-ciudad

Siendo un tema que ha generado en las últimas décadas una gran cantidad de publicaciones, el…

The sustainable lifestyle of Aalborg

The strongest and most appealing image of Aalborg is its waterfront, facing the Limfjord that runs…

How to redesign a port-city’s landscape and relations: the regeneration of the urban waterfront in the port-city of Taranto

The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea – Port of Taranto and the Municipality of…

The Port of Livorno: the gateway between the city and the sea

Interview with Stefano Corsini, President of the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority Marco Casale –…

Porta a Mare: the New Face of Livorno toward the Sea

The name Porta a Mare identifies the extensive urban redevelopment project that involves a waterfront area…

Temple and the merchants

In Inhabited by 3 million people and 4 million with its surroundings, at first sight Casablanca…

Preservation and placemaking along Philadelphia’s Delaware River waterfront

Philadelphia is a city of 1.58 million people located in the southeastern corner of the Commonwealth…

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