The Arsenal of Venice, the beating heart of the economy of the Serenissima Republic and “officina…
Freelance Journalist. ESPO Award Jury Member. Venice, Italy.
Born in Venice in 1961. Graduated in Contemporary History at the University of Venice (Ca’ Foscari) in 1986. Founder and Board Member of the River//Cities Platform Foundation (, set up in Warsaw in 2010 and active as a network promoting the valorisation of urban rivers as public spaces and cultural resources for citizens and visitors. From June 1rst 1989 to April 30th 2013, she was working for the International Centre Cities on Water in Venice, covering since 2002 the role of Deputy Director. During her 24 years long collaboration with the Centre, she was involved mostly in editorial issues being Editor in Chief of the Centre’s magazine: Aquapolis (1992; 1996-2001) and Portus (2001-2012). She was also Editor of the monthly digital newsletter of the Centre, Città d’Acqua News (2003-2012). She participates in conferences and seminars on the Centre’s issues at national and international level, and she partecipates to scientific publications with artiche and essays. Since 1988, she writes for local and national newspapers and magazines on cultural, urban and tourisms issues and since 2005 she is regularly registered at the National List of Journalist (Albo di Venezia). Following a personal and family interest, she is member of an Organizing Committee promoting the culture of archaelogical and modern glass in Venice and in its territory, and from 2013 and 2021 she was also member of the Board of the Italian Committee of AIHV (Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre).
All its articles
The Adriatic, sea of intimacy
The Adriatic, an ‘intimate’ sea, stretched between two long lines of coastline and open to different…
Porto Marghera “land” in the city for the centenary of its birth
Porto Marghera, the great industrial area along the lagoon gutter in Venice, is 100 years old.…
Oslo’s Harbour Promenade between the city and the fjord
As in many other European port cities, the transformation of the waterfront in Oslo – one…
Venezia è una città. Come è stata costruita e come vive
A sette anni dalla prima edizione, una nuova versione del saggio di Franco Mancuso, “Venezia è…
Return to the Piazza
The black and white images of Anna Zemella talk of a coming back, of a re-appropriation…
Parc Rives de Seine: Paris recovers the banks of the Seine
Walking, resting, playing, in a word, “strolling” along the riverfront of Paris is today a 7km…
The colorful harbourscapes of Sasja Hagens
Places of work and exchanges, of meetings and conflicts, of challenges and hardships, ports are also…
The Floating Pier. Walking on Lake Iseo
walking on Water. A timeless dream that this year, for just 16 days, more than 1,200,000…
Waterfronts Revisited: European ports in a historic and global perspective
Fornire un’analisi aggiornata sull’evoluzione delle città portuali storiche nel contesto globale, attraverso una selezione di casi…
Venice and the Great Ships, lights and shadows of a coexistence
An exhibition, a book but above all an idea of the city. In 30 images in…
Livorno, the Port Center for a new port-city integration
“Livorno is an example of how integration and cultural contamination could reach levels of excellence and…
The Venice Arsenal, from forbidden city to new urban pole
A construction site in constant evolution, a space in constant transformation, since 1300. This is the…
Museum in the Dock
To bring new life into an abandoned dry dock? The architectural firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group in…
Without making noise. Journey in Porto Vecchio
In silence and discretion, the digital eye of the photographer from Trieste Neva Gasparo investigated, recorded…