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Utopia and Marginality: Habitability on the Edge of Valparaíso
An essay by Jorge Ferrada Herrera

Utopía y marginalidad. Habitabilidad en el margen de Valparaíso Un ensayo de Jorge Ferrada Herrera El…

The Worlds of Marco Polo. Stories of Travel, Discovery and Enterprise

Venice’s natural element is water, but its most illustrious citizen travelled by land. It was in…

The Passenger, per esploratori del mondo

Il mare Mediterraneo, dal latino «in mezzo alle terre», evoca classicità, contaminazioni e clima mite immaginando…

Art on the Waterfront: The New Istanbul Modern Museum by Renzo Piano Building Design

Building a new place of culture, open and accessible to all, a building of light overlooking…

Venezia. Alter Mundus
The “Great Beauty” of Venice in the Images of Alessandra Chemollo

Dedicated to those who will come after us…The ancient Venetians invented, day after day, their life…

An Olympic Swimming Pool on the Sea for Taranto 2026

Una piscina olimpica sul mare per Taranto 2026 Un nuovo progetto lungo il waterfront farà da…

ADRIJO. Virtual Museums to Discover the Port Heritage around the Adriatic Seaports

ADRIJO is a neologism resulting from the combination of two different words defining the sea that…

Passenger Terminals as a Port-City Interface. New Projects for More Sustainable Ports

Introduction Within the port-city relationship, passenger terminals represent a real hinge between the two different areas…

Part of Rotterdam

Part of Rotterdam is a retrospective on the work of the harbour painter Sasja Hagens (Utrecht…

The boating industry is back at the Arsenale of Venice

After nine intense days, the 2022 Venice Boat Show [1] concludes its third edition recording over…

Hugo Pratt. From Genoa to the South Seas
Genoa, Italy | October 14, 2021 – March 22, 2022

Corto Maltese – sailor of all seas What links the tireless and fascinating Venetian sailor, born…

The port in support of culture

Il porto a sostegno della cultura I difficili mesi che ci hanno preceduto, segnati dalla pandemia…

A chi serve la città Riflessioni postume di Marina Dragotto

A chi serve la città. Questo è il tema sviluppato in una serie di riflessioni di…

A chi serve la città. Posthumous reflections by Marina Dragotto

Who is the city for? This is the theme developed in a several reflections on the…

Venezia 1600, un’occasione per conoscere il passato e progettare il futuro della città

Secondo una tradizione millenaria, il 25 marzo del 421 è comunemente riconosciuto come il giorno di…

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