Port concessions and impacts on the development of the port cities of Costa Rica
Costa Rica has little experience in concessions and public-private partnerships (PPP), especially when it is compared to other Latin American ...

Nuevos habitats productivos. Modos ejemplares y en red de evolución territorial
El estudio del Banco Mundial sobre América Latina y el Caribe, “Subamos el estándar, para ciudades productivas en América Latina ...

Port City Futures
A port, its neighboring city and adjacent region form a territorial network of people, goods, and ideas [1]. The industrial ...

Copenhagen comfort zone
Chiunque vada a Copenhagen torna sedotto dalla città. Chi dalla bellezza, chi dal decoro, chi dall’efficienza, chi dalla regalità e ...

The Museum of Trust and Dialogue for the Mediterranean in Lampedusa
A small museum, troubled both in history and content, has crossed the walls of the island of Lampedusa for a ...

Chronia in Lesbos
Chronia travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from ...