A Cruise Passenger in Spanish Ports: The Experience Starts Here

Un crucerista en los puertos españoles: la experiencia comienza aquí La perspectiva tradicional que los puertos…

Valencia Logistics Festival, a Backbone Element of the Port Community

Valencia Logistics Festival, elemento de vertebración de la comunidad portuaria ¿Puede un evento gastronómico reunir a…

RoRo and Ferry Ship Terminals

Terminales para buques RoRo y Ferry En el presente número de PORTUS trataremos de las terminales…

Hugo Pratt. From Genoa to the South Seas
Genoa, Italy | October 14, 2021 – March 22, 2022

Corto Maltese – sailor of all seas What links the tireless and fascinating Venetian sailor, born…

The effect of digitization on the efficiency of processes and decision making in the supply chain

The emergence of global networks affected the relationship between the nodes of the supply chain and…

The Ports that Generate Wealth and Employment

Los puertos generadores de riqueza y empleo En un momento en el que el desempleo juvenil…

Biometric solutions for the operational simplification of boarding processes

Within the Maritime Transport ecosystem, the flow of people is of great relevance for different public…

Rotterdam Port and its Innovation Roadmap

Port generations Beginning as a first generation cargo port, the Port of Rotterdam has developed through…

Archipelago of Knowledge. A Diffuse Campus

The Archipelago of Knowledge is a new spatial strategy for the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands,…

Cruise Port in a Small Town. Case Study of the Port of Koper Terminal Passenger

Global maritime transport and the world economy are currently facing critical challenges. The pandemic COVID -19…

City-port integration in the context of digital and energy transformation

European and Mediterranean ports and port cities are undergoing a great transformation, smart and digital, which…

Port Futures in Postnormal Time(s)

“Any useful idea about the futures should appear to be ridiculous” (Datour, 1996). In one of…

El impacto de la Covid-19 en los puertos y las ciudades portuarias

Todavía nadie sabe, en el momento de escribir este Editorial (20/04/2020), cuando ni como terminará la…

Digital tools for Argentina’s port cultural heritage

In the port organizations of the Republic of Argentina there is historical documentation of great value…

The speed of trade. Empirical analysis of vessel voyage and turnaround times across world container ports (1977-2016) [1]

The ability of ports to ensure efficient cargo transfers is one central dimension of their overall…

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