Portus 27 – May 2014

Central America starts network of port cities
Actually, there is a good chance to create a Central American network for the study of port cities, provided by PROCIP and the Central Commission for Maritime Transport (Spanish acronym as COCATRAM). It has been proposed to create a new ...

Ciudades y puertos ante el espíritu de los tiempos
En nuestra anterior y primer nota sobre Latinoamérica, nos interesó atender un debate particular de una ciudad en Chile, Valparaíso, el cual podríamos considerar un acontecimiento ejemplar respecto a una circunstancia que domina la escena general contemporánea. Nos referimos a ...

French seaports rediscover their hinterland
Major French seaports, under the double effect of economic necessity and an awareness of their complementarity with river ports, are for some time rediscovering the charms of their hinterland. Engaged in a reform both institutional and operational since 2008, Le ...

From the waterfronts to the Smart Port City with the AIVP
AIVP was founded in 1988. During the three decades of its existence, AIVP has been a privileged witness of spectacular changes in port cities as they face the increasing globalisation of trade and the economy, for example the relocation of ...

Yes we camp and now we hike. Marseille’s port landscapes
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part. Let us take a detour to Marseille, and ...

Lápiz, tinta, color y…¡Venecia!
La singularidad de la belleza de la ciudad de Venecia (Italia) la ha convertido en un lugar emblemático para narrar historias de aventura, de misterio y de romanticismo. Los dibujantes y guionistas de cómics no son ajenos a este embrujo ...