Puntarenas: re-thinking the port city
For more than a decade, I have dedicated myself to the study of port cities and, in these years I ...

La trascendencia del acuerdo del Mercosur y la Union Europea
Desde sus orígenes el principal objetivo del Mercosur y de la Unión Europea ha sido el de propiciar un espacio ...

The Open Sea as the Last Best Escape: Yachts and the freedom of the ocean
Seascapes In the summer, the Amalfi Coast offers gorgeous views of dangerously steep roads, narrow streets with sharp switchbacks, and ...

Venice taverns
They lay there, stored on the highest memory shelves, those reachable only with a ladder. Hidden behind thousands of boxes ...

The Adriatic, sea of intimacy
The Adriatic, an 'intimate' sea, stretched between two long lines of coastline and open to different peoples and cultures. How ...

Chronia in Capoverde
Chronia's travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from ...