Urban Transformations – Cities on water 50 th ISOCRAP International Planning Congress Gdynia, Poland 23-26 September…
The purpose of this section is to keep a direct line with the members of RETE, with the institutions and universities that have signed a MoU with the Association, with the various users of the PORTUS Magazine, offering a wide range of information and hosting news, announcements and initiatives, dossiers and videos, events and professional or study courses, projects and funding, competitions and opportunities, etc. These are contents that can be reported directly by experts, professionals and academics involved every day in the management of the many issues related to the Port-City relationship and who, working in institutions, private bodies, universities, research centers, associations etc., can provide information and updates, as well as share knowledge and experience in different disciplinary fields with the PORTUS international community.
International Workshop ERC ”World Seastems”
International Workshop ERC ”World Seastems” Maritime Networks in Space and Time Institute of Complex Systems, Paris…
CITTA 7th Annual Conference on Planning Research
CITTA 7th Annual Conference on Planning Research ”Bridging the Implementation Gap of Accessibility Instruments and Planning…
International Master – Università IUAV di Venezia
International Master “Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning” (EMMCMSP) Università Iuav di Venezia (coordinator)…
X Seminario de Urbanismo Internacional – SUI, Mèxico City
Coordinación General Mtro. Sergio Padilla Galicia Coordinación Ejecutiva Elizabeth Espinosa Dorantes Xristos Vassis Amado García Fechas…
International Master – Ca Foscari
Master Internazionale Port Economics and Management (PEM) Gennaio 2014 – Dicembre 2014 Università Ca’ Foscari Palazzo…
Logistics and Economic Development
Logistics and Economic Development Economic scenarios, infrastructure analysis and growth prospects SRM Center for Economic Studies…
Landscape Architecture Europe
Landscape Architecture Europe Call for entries 2011-2013 Closing date1 December 2013 Projects to be submittedDesigned or…
Malecón de Maracaibo: derribando muros
Maracaibo, con cerca de 2 millones de habitantes, es la segunda ciudad en importancia de Venezuela.…
Estonoesunsolar: urban acupuncture and sustainable regeneration
After many surveys focusing on the Old Town part of Zaragoza made from 2004, different serious…
Marseille, the port and the European Capital of Culture 2013
There is an ambitious project of urban renewal in Marseille, named Euroméditérranée. The same name is given…