Il patrimonio portuale in Italy

L‘Italia ospita lungo la sua linea di costa – 7.456 chilometri, la più estesa in Europa…

Between industrial wasteland and touristic destination. The handling of old harbors on the example of Bremerhaven

Harbors like all other human constructions are subject of constant renovation. The pressure laid on them…

Maritime Heritage Beyond Preservation. The Golden City Bar at Bremen

When thinking about maritime heritage, it is often about those obvious symbols, artefacts and behaviours we…

Preservation and Reuse of the Port Heritage in Germany

German ports such as Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, Kiel and Rostock have a long history, which is…

Hamburg: careful und flexible conversion of cultural heritage. The Warehouse District

In the context of the worldwide reconstruction of fallow harbor and shoreline zones, special types of…

Marseille: Euroméditerranée

La coupure entre le tissu urbain et le territoire du port, matérialisée à Marseille par une…

Bordeaux: les quais

Après une suite interminable de concours, d’appels à idées, d’analyses et de propositions, sur la création…

Reconversion d’espaces portuaires en France

En France trois grandes opérations de reconversion d’espaces portuaires sont aujourd’hui en voie d’achèvement. Celle qui,…

Port heritages and cities in Turkish coastlines

The location of coastal settlements had been advantageous for the transferring of goods from one place…

Port Said, as paradigm of potentials for recovering Port heritages alongside Suez Canal

The relation between ports and cities has been studied from so many perspectives and going through…

Heritage and ports in eastern Mediterranean coastal cities

This article is an introduction to the heritage topic in the Eastern Mediterranean ports. It is…

Preservation and reuse of port heritage in Europe

In many of the seminars of RETE and in different workshops and congress hold the last…

Gobernanza e institucionalidad del sistema portuario chileno: aplicación a Puerto Valparaíso

Mucho se ha escrito sobre Sistemas de Gobernanza Portuaria y sus efectos en el mercado, sus…

La gobernanza en las relaciones puerto-ciudad: el caso del puerto de Santander. El desarrollo del “Proyecto Frente Marítimo Portuario Santander” en el período 2010-2018

A lo largo de los últimos 15 años del pasado siglo se vinieron desarrollando en el…

Elementos para la gobernanza en las ciudades

La palabra gobernanza se ha convertido en una de esas que maneja habitualmente todo el mundo…

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