The small port towns of the Polish coast are picturesque sites the landscape of which has…
This section examines the complex modalities and issues of the Port-City relationship or some aspects of a specific geographical region, considered to be of significant interest for the aims and scope of the Magazine, in particular with regard to sustainability and redevelopment of the urban waterfront.
The preservation and reuse of the Szczecin Port heritage
Since the Middle Ages, the city of Szczecin has been one of the most important and…
Introduction: Transformation of Polish waterfronts. Issues in heritage preservation
Poland is a country with a rich maritime heritage, although – due to the fact that…
Reshaping the old harbor in Gdansk. New roles for the urban and architectural heritage
Gdańsk is the city of a thousand years of rich history. Since the medieval times until…
Genova: la riqualificazione dell’antico porto
Genova città portuale che per centinaia di anni ha vissuto ed è cresciuta attorno al porto…
Il Polo Museale del Porto Vecchio di Trieste: origini e restauro
Il Porto Vecchio di Trieste costituisce un inestimabile patrimonio culturale, tanto da essere considerato uno dei…
Venezia e la duplice eredità portuale
Venezia ha una duplice eredità portuale: quella di quando era tutta città porto, e aveva dato…
Il patrimonio portuale in Italy
L‘Italia ospita lungo la sua linea di costa – 7.456 chilometri, la più estesa in Europa…
Between industrial wasteland and touristic destination. The handling of old harbors on the example of Bremerhaven
Harbors like all other human constructions are subject of constant renovation. The pressure laid on them…
Maritime Heritage Beyond Preservation. The Golden City Bar at Bremen
When thinking about maritime heritage, it is often about those obvious symbols, artefacts and behaviours we…
Preservation and Reuse of the Port Heritage in Germany
German ports such as Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, Kiel and Rostock have a long history, which is…
Hamburg: careful und flexible conversion of cultural heritage. The Warehouse District
In the context of the worldwide reconstruction of fallow harbor and shoreline zones, special types of…
Marseille: Euroméditerranée
La coupure entre le tissu urbain et le territoire du port, matérialisée à Marseille par une…
Bordeaux: les quais
Après une suite interminable de concours, d’appels à idées, d’analyses et de propositions, sur la création…
Reconversion d’espaces portuaires en France
En France trois grandes opérations de reconversion d’espaces portuaires sont aujourd’hui en voie d’achèvement. Celle qui,…