REPORT index

Portus 28 – October 2014


FOCUS index



Roger Humberto Ríos Duarte
New neighbors in the Caribbean port cities: invasive species

New neighbors in the Caribbean port cities: invasive species

They arrived by accident at the beginning of this century. They found a paradise in this region and decided to stay and multiply themselves. At first glance they are lovely and are in almost every aquarium in the world, but ...
- Central America
Los puertos latinoamericanos y la perspectiva multipolar del siglo XXI

Los puertos latinoamericanos y la perspectiva multipolar del siglo XXI

Joseph Samuel Nye, geopolitólogo y profesor de la Kennedy School of Government de la Universidad de Harvard, desarrolló los conceptos de interdependencia asimétrica y compleja en las relaciones transnacionales y la política mundial, señalando que la distribución del poder entre ...
- Latinas
Pierre Gras
Ports networking: the Morocco knocks major

Ports networking: the Morocco knocks major

Overall traffic Moroccan ports rose above 22% during the first half of 2014 over 60 million tonnes were shipped, placing the Sharifi port system just below the Grand seaport of Le Havre, for example, in the ranking of the world's ...
- PeriScope
Olaf Merk
Do mega-ships need mega-ports?

Do mega-ships need mega-ports?

Mega-ships are here to stay, if you like it or not. The last decade has seen a doubling of the average size of the containership. The “who-has-the-biggest?”-competition is on steam and Maersk is currently in the lead. Their Triple E-ships ...
Lisa Diedrich
Rotterdam’s urban metabolism.  Project atelier to intertwine the flows of port and city

Rotterdam’s urban metabolism. Project atelier to intertwine the flows of port and city

This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part. Let us take a detour to Rotterdam, where ...
- PortScapes
César Ducruet
Maritime networks in space and time

Maritime networks in space and time

The international workshop “Maritime networks in space and time” (Paris, 16-18 June 2014) is probably the first event of the kind, diverting from the classic maritime conferences held in history, economics, and geography for instance. Gathering about 50 researchers coming ...
- Across the Waves




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