International Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
13th-16th July 2017

The city of Gothenburg (Sweden) hosted the 9th International Congress on “Coastal and Marine Tourism” (CMT) in 2017.
The “Coastal and Marine Tourism” is widely considered the world’s foremost conference related to tourism and recreation in coastal and marine environments and is attended by academics, students and practitioners from around the world.
The theme discussed in Gothenburg will be the “Global challenges, local solutions”, and a range of topics focusing on coastal and marine tourism including, but not limited to, the following: Coastal Resorts; Cruise Industry; Governance/Policies/Stewardship; Impacts on Fisheries and Coral; Marine Ecotourism; Marine Water Sports; Planning and Development; Seafood Tourism; Social and Environmental Impacts; Sustainability and Certification; Coastal Trails and Beaches; Education and Interpretation; Visitor Monitoring.
Reefs History and Heritage; Marine Protected Areas; Marine Wildlife; Scuba Diving/Snorkeling; Small Islands;
Surfing, Yachting/Boating and Marinas.
Gothenburg has always had a history with close bonds to the coast and the sea. From being one of largest industrial harbors in Northern Europe, the city now focuses on coastal and marine based tourism and recreation. Main attraction is the region’s countless small scale coastal communities, where many of the old coastal traditions are still kept. At the same time, Gothenburg and the west coast have also been acknowledged as one of the last great wilderness areas in the world.
The congress will give an opportunity to explore Gothenburg and the Swedish west coast.
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