A research trip focused in the relation between cities and ports, two realities that have given…
Book Review
This section is dedicated to the review and/or report of literary, scientific and artistic publications on the topics of interest of the Magazine, for which some information and insights are provided, also through a short critical and interpretative evaluation text and/or a interview with the authors.
Viaggio in Levante. Armature urbane, popoli e paesaggi
Questo libro è il racconto di un viaggio alla scoperta di realtà diverse. I luoghi e…
Getsemaní, casa tomada
Getsemaní es uno de los barrios más representativos de Cartagena de Indias, en donde han ocurrido…
Maritime Networks Spatial Structures and Time Dynamics
The volume provides an exhaustive analysis of past and contemporary maritime flows and networks featuring evocative…
Investire in infrastrutture, priorità per l’Europa
Molti degli articoli di questo numero della rivista Dossier UE, a cura di SRM (Centro Studi…
On the move
On the Move is the fourth volume of the Landscape Architecture Europe (LAE) series that presents…
La construcción del Nueva York moderno
En 2002 se inició la publicación de una serie de libros de enorme interés y valía.…
Museum in the Dock
To bring new life into an abandoned dry dock? The architectural firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group in…
El Comercio y la Cultura del Mar. Alicante, Puerta del Mediterráneo
El libro se presentó en el salón de actos de la Autoridad Portuaria de Alicante el…
New York Factories
At the same time intimate and universal, New York Factories is a trip in the heart…
Sweet & Salt. Water and the Dutch
The Netherlands and water: a story of conflict and concord, calamity and prosperity. More than any…
The Port Office. The Art and Architecture of European Port Authorities
The evolving role of port authorities can be traced through the architecture of their headquarters. This…
Le temps des ports. Décline et renaissance des villes portuaires (1940-2010) – Storia dei porti. Declino e rinascita delle città portuali (1940-2010)
Sometimes luck smiles on you and you are offered a twofold opportunity. Such luck came my…
Waterfront. Dal conflitto all’integrazione (From conflict to integration)
Rosario Pavia and Matteo Di Venosa give us a work which is very difficult to avoid.…