Relanzamiento industrial y crecimiento empresarial: potencial y sinergias para el tejido económico portuario Entrevista con Daniel…
Editorial Team of PORTUS
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Huelva, the Future and Opportunities of the Port and the CityInterview with María del Pilar MIRANDA PLATA, President of Port Authority of Huelva
Huelva, el futuro y las oportunidades del Puerto y la Ciudad Entrevista con María del Pilar…
The Port as a Pole of Industrial Revitalization and DevelopmentInterview with Antonio PONCE FERNÁNDEZ, President of the Association for the Commercial Promotion of the Port of Huelva
El puerto como polo de dinamización industrial y de desarrollo Entrevista con Antonio PONCE FERNÁNDEZ, Presidente…
Blue Economy: Competitiveness and Excellence in HuelvaInterview with José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, President of the Federación Onubense de Empresarios
La Economía Azul: competitividad y excelencia en Huelva Entrevista con José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, Presidente de…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 44, December 2022, Year XXIIISSN 2282-5789…
“International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modelling and Simulation” Rome, Italy | September 19-21, 2022
Innovations and improvements are required to react quickly to the new trends of the global economy.…
“Digitalisation in Shipping Summit 2022” London, UK | October 5-6, 2022
Digitalisation in Shipping has seen major acceleration of late, mainly fuelled by increasing shipping demands brought…
“28th International Conference on Urban and Maritime Transport and the Environment” Valencia, Spain | September 19-21, 2022
This conference is the merging of two successful events organised by the Wessex Institute, the International…
“30° Latin American Congress of Ports” Santos, Brazil | November 28-30, 2022
The AAPA Latino is the most important annual meeting of the Latin American port leadership, where…
“Seatrade Cruise Med” Malaga, Spain | September 19-21, 2022
Malaga will be hoste the international event “Seatrade Cruise Med” and will be the center of…
“17th Green Ports Congress & Cruise” Antwerp-Bruges, Belgium | October 18-20, 2022
The 17th edition of GreenPort Congress & Cruise will be hosted from 18-20 October 2022, by…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 43, July 2022, Year XXIIISSN 2282-5789…
Seminars “Reading port complexity. The challenges of port cities after the pandemic in a multi-scale perspective”
Streaming | From March 2022 to June 2022
RETE – Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities, in collaboration with CNR IRISS and…
Forum “Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry”Milan, Italy | March 9-10-11, 2022
Dopo il successo della quinta edizione, Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry torna a proporre il confronto tra…
Conference “Smart Digital Port of the Future”Rotterdam, The Netherlands | May 11-12, 2022
The new edition of Smart Digital Ports for the Future 2022 will bring together the largest…