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Cinema Barch-In, in Venice the drive-in cinema goes by boat

An innovative project for the temporary use of the Venice Arsenal was born in the dark…

I giornali di bordo. L’arte di raccontare i viaggi per mare

“Who would travel on the sea to never report anything and for the pleasure of seeing,…

Powerhouse Brattørkaia, the energy-positive building in Trondheim

Powerhouse Brattørkaia is the biggest new energy-positive building in Norway, that generates more energy in its…

Fluctuart, the first street art museum floats on the river Seine

A floating museum on the Seine: Fluctuart, the only structure of its kind in the world,…

Porta a Mare: the New Face of Livorno toward the Sea

The name Porta a Mare identifies the extensive urban redevelopment project that involves a waterfront area…

Mappa Insulae

«They tell me that some are not interested in maps; I struggle to believe it… Even…

Heritage Walks as a tool for promoting the value of the cultural heritage for the society

Promoted by the Council of Europe in 2005, the Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural…

Maritime Networks and connectivity in the Mediterranean

Theater for millennia of one of the most fruitful areas in the world for trade and…

Ocean Space, a home for the oceans in Venice

The project is called “Ocean Space”. After two years of major restoration and renovation work, the…

Renzo Piano. Water Projects

Renzo Piano. Progetti d’acqua, curated by Fabrizio Gazzarri and set up in occasion of the 16th…

The Museum of Trust and Dialogue for the Mediterranean in Lampedusa

A small museum, troubled both in history and content, has crossed the walls of the island…

The Ships Pavilion at the Naval Historical Museum, Venice

The Arsenal of Venice, the beating heart of the economy of the Serenissima Republic and “officina…

The Adriatic, sea of intimacy

The Adriatic, an ‘intimate’ sea, stretched between two long lines of coastline and open to different…

Porto Marghera “land” in the city for the centenary of its birth

Porto Marghera, the great industrial area along the lagoon gutter in Venice, is 100 years old.…

Oslo’s Harbour Promenade between the city and the fjord

As in many other European port cities, the transformation of the waterfront in Oslo – one…

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