CIU HABITAT – Concurso Internacional Universitario

CIU HABITAT Concurso Internacional Universitario Retos del hábitat popular en el sur global contemporáneo: comunidades resilientes…

Biennale di Venezia 2016: Reporting from the front

15. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura “Reporting from the front” Biennale di Venezia Progetto Speciale “Reporting from…

Urban Thinkers Campus

Urban Thinkers Campus   UN-Habitat’s World Urban Campaign – WUC   Barcelona, 16 th-18th of November…

From the Citizen Port to the Port Center Concept

From the Citizen Port to the Port Center Concept Executive Think Tank Workshop and Livorno Port…

ESPO Award 2015

ESPO Award 2015. “Port Night” in Brussells Five ports shortlisted for the Award Ceremony   November…

Museum of Water[:it]Museum of Water

Museum of Water Exhibition curated by Amy Sharrocks Itinerant collection, UK and Europe An image of…


Exhibition for maritime technology Ahoy, Rotterdam 3 -6 November 2015 Europort, organised in the world port…


Europort. Exhibition for maritime technology Ahoy, Rotterdam 3 -6 November 2015 Europort, organised in the world…

BA15 – Bienal Internacional

Bienal Internacional   XV Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires_BA15 Muestras 5 de Septiembre al…

Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Estudios

6tas. Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Estudios Portuarios 20 – 21 de Agosto de 2015 Edificio del Ente…


European Conference on Shipping, Intermodalism and Ports ECONSHIP 2015 24-27 June 2015 “Shipping and Ports at…

International conference

International conference The Port and Maritime Sector: Key Developments and Challenges Department of Transport and Regional…


European Conference on Shipping, Intermodalism and Ports ECONSHIP 2015 24-27 June 2015 “Shipping and Ports at…


Europort. Exhibition for maritime technology Ahoy, Rotterdam 3 -6 November 2015 Europort, organised in the world…

Utopie. “Isola Nova” fotografie di Philippe Calandre

Le isole di Philippe Calandre, fotografo francese in mostra a Venezia con “Isola Nova”, alla Fondazione…

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