It is the river and the sea that have shaped the settlement of Sheerness, a small…
This section examines the complex modalities and issues of the Port-City relationship or some aspects of a specific geographical region, considered to be of significant interest for the aims and scope of the Magazine, in particular with regard to sustainability and redevelopment of the urban waterfront.
Preservation and reuse of port heritage: the UK and Ireland
There are more than one hundred ports and harbours in the UK and Ireland, ranging from…
Antwerp’s ‘Het Eilandje’, heritage as a key to urban redevelopment
Until the 1960s, Het Eilandje (‘the Islet’) in Antwerp was a lively port neighbourhood, where industrial…
Economic impact of (maritime) heritage in the revitalization of waterfront areas
From 2012 until 2017 building volumes in the Netherlands collapsed due to the worldwide economic crisis.…
The maritime DNA of Schiedam offers a promising future for its heritage buildings and old port
Schiedam is a small port-city, with about 80.000 inhabitants in the Rotterdam area. Its current port…
NDSM-yard. A balancing act
It was early 2002 when I first visited the former NDSM Shipyard in the north of…
Waterfronts in the Netherland and Belgium
Located where a number of important rivers meet the North Sea, the Netherlands and Belgium contain…
Preservar y divulgar el patrimonio marítimo-portuario del Museo Portuario de Tarragona
Los textos clásicos nos han transmitido que Tárraco tenía una estación marítima según Eratóstenes aunque Artemidoro…
Reutilización de tinglados en el Puerto de Santa Cruz de Tenerife: la nueva estación de cruceros turísticos
La Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife gestiona los puertos de interés general de Santa…
Un modelo de reutilización del patrimonio industrial: el complejo “El Dique” de Navantia en Puerto Real
En diciembre de 1989, hace ya casi 30 años, la entonces Compañía Astilleros Españoles iniciaba un…
La Unión Naval de Levante. Patrimonio y propuestas para la reconversión industrial en el Puerto de València
La constitución de la Unión Naval de Levante en 1924 fue el resultado de un proceso…
Patrimonio portuario, oportunidad y vínculo
La actividad marítima ha producido a lo largo del tiempo bienes patrimoniales de enorme importancia social…
Portugal: o Porto de Aveiro e a sua identidade
O porto marítimo de Aveiro, encontra-se integrado nas cidades da Gafanha da Nazaré e de Aveiro,…
Various cases of preservation and adaptive reuse Heritage Buildings in the Port of Gdynia
The decision in building an entirely new port facility of national priority, what was known back…