Chiunque vada a Copenhagen torna sedotto dalla città. Chi dalla bellezza, chi dal decoro, chi dall’efficienza,…
This section emphasizes on the one hand the more physical aspects of projects or plans, already completed or under construction on each and every continent, in the field of the relationship between Port and City and the urban regeneration of Waterfront. The other hand it provides perspectives on the complex reality of the port cities within specific disciplines and in a trasversal way, addressing the multiple aspects that the presence of ports entails in different regional contexts, with particular regard to the cultural, material and immaterial expressions, in the broadest sense and with the intend to underline the relevance, modernity and significance of these themes in contemporary society.
Port City Futures
A port, its neighboring city and adjacent region form a territorial network of people, goods, and…
Port concessions and impacts on the development of the port cities of Costa Rica
Costa Rica has little experience in concessions and public-private partnerships (PPP), especially when it is compared…
Nuevos habitats productivos. Modos ejemplares y en red de evolución territorial
El estudio del Banco Mundial sobre América Latina y el Caribe, “Subamos el estándar, para ciudades…
Chronia in Capoverde
Chronia’s travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from…
The Adriatic, sea of intimacy
The Adriatic, an ‘intimate’ sea, stretched between two long lines of coastline and open to different…
Venice taverns
They lay there, stored on the highest memory shelves, those reachable only with a ladder. Hidden…
Puntarenas: re-thinking the port city
For more than a decade, I have dedicated myself to the study of port cities and,…
The Open Sea as the Last Best Escape: Yachts and the freedom of the ocean
Seascapes In the summer, the Amalfi Coast offers gorgeous views of dangerously steep roads, narrow streets…
La trascendencia del acuerdo del Mercosur y la Union Europea
Desde sus orígenes el principal objetivo del Mercosur y de la Unión Europea ha sido el…
Chronia in Napoli and Capri
Chronia’s travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from…
Advances in Shipping Data Analysis. Contributions to maritime studies
The last two years 2016 and 2017 have been particularly productive in terms of large-scale, edited…
Oslo’s Harbour Promenade between the city and the fjord
As in many other European port cities, the transformation of the waterfront in Oslo – one…
Lights on the city
At the beginning it was Chandlers Street. If “street names are like the title of chapters…
Spaces of Flows – Spaces of Friction: Planning the intersections
The recent flooding in Houston, Texas, caused by Hurricane Harvey, underscores the need for citizens, politicians,…