Introduction Within the port-city relationship, passenger terminals represent a real hinge between the two different areas…
This section emphasizes on the one hand the more physical aspects of projects or plans, already completed or under construction on each and every continent, in the field of the relationship between Port and City and the urban regeneration of Waterfront. The other hand it provides perspectives on the complex reality of the port cities within specific disciplines and in a trasversal way, addressing the multiple aspects that the presence of ports entails in different regional contexts, with particular regard to the cultural, material and immaterial expressions, in the broadest sense and with the intend to underline the relevance, modernity and significance of these themes in contemporary society.
A Thousand and One Recipes with Porto’s Bacalhau
Le Mille e Una ricette del Bacalhau di Porto Nomen est omen Nomen est Omen Torniamo…
Costa Rica: Coastal planning, port cities and natural resources
Costa Rica: planificación costera, ciudades portuarias y recursos naturales Costa Rica limita con dos cuerpos de…
The boating industry is back at the Arsenale of Venice
After nine intense days, the 2022 Venice Boat Show [1] concludes its third edition recording over…
Towards a Latin American and Caribbean Network of Collaborative Cities and Ports
Hacia una Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciudades y Puertos Colaborativos Durante el pasado mes de…
The Southeast Asian Lady {Boy}
Call it The City of the Lion or an Asian Tiger, a westernized country or an…
The port in support of culture
Il porto a sostegno della cultura I difficili mesi che ci hanno preceduto, segnati dalla pandemia…
Venezia 1600, un’occasione per conoscere il passato e progettare il futuro della città
Secondo una tradizione millenaria, il 25 marzo del 421 è comunemente riconosciuto come il giorno di…
The wild side of the New Nordic Cuisine
Although Denmark is part of Europe, when viewed from the point of view of physical geography,…
The Magic of Port Cities: Engaging Port Citizens
Educational activities and outreach can help facilitate mutual engagement. UNESCO – the UN organization for education,…
Cinema Barch-In, in Venice the drive-in cinema goes by boat
An innovative project for the temporary use of the Venice Arsenal was born in the dark…
The sustainable lifestyle of Aalborg
The strongest and most appealing image of Aalborg is its waterfront, facing the Limfjord that runs…
Fluctuart, the first street art museum floats on the river Seine
A floating museum on the Seine: Fluctuart, the only structure of its kind in the world,…
The remote and exclusive taste of border port cities
Port cities with exclusive, symbiotic and intense karmic bond with its own harbour can be counted…