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Urban Blue Spaces.
Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being

Edited By Simon Bell, Lora E. Fleming, James Grellier, Friedrich Kuhlmann, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mathew P.…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 42, December 2021, Year XXIISSN 2282-5789…

Seville embraces its Port in the new Urban and Port District
Interview with Rafael CARMONA RUIZ

Sevilla abraza a su Puerto en el nuevo Districto Urbano y Portuario Entrevista con Rafael CARMONA…

16th edition GreenPort Cruise & Congress

Piraeus (Greece) | 20-22 October 2021 The 16th edition of GreenPort Cruise & Congress will take…

IAPH World Port Conference 2021

Antwerp (Belgium) | 23 – 25 June, 2021 The annual IAPH World Ports Conference assesses the…

17 Biennale Architettura, Venezia 2021 HOW WILL WE LIVE TOGETHER?

Venice (Italy) | 22 may – 21 November, 2021 La 17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 41, May 2021, Year XXIISSN 2282-5789…

Porto di Salerno. Una storia lunga dieci secoli

“…Salerno appare come una città dalle antiche tradizioni marinare e dal fiero passato evocato dal suo…

Mettre en récit l’urbanité des métropoles portuaires

Architecture et mondialisation des formes urbaines : Gênes, Le Havre, New York (1945-2015) Accélération de la…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 40, October 2020, Year XXISSN 2282-5789…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 39, May 2020, Year XXISSN 2282-5789…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 38, November 2019, Year XIXISSN 2282-5789…

BOOK REVIEW: Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development

This book addresses the strategic alignment between port authorities and their supply chain partners, with a…

BOOK REVIEW: Urban Ports and Harbor Management Responding to Change along U.S. Waterfronts

The essays in this book, first published in 1988, explore the changes that have occurred in…

BOOK REVIEW: Sustainable Coastal Design and Planning

As different parts of the globe deal with the challenges of coastal settlements in the Anthropcene…

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