A lo largo de los últimos 15 años del pasado siglo se vinieron desarrollando en el…
Javier Álvarez García
Head of General Administration and Legal Services of the Port Authority of Santander.
Law Degree at the University of Cantabria, Master in Legal Advice, International Master of Maritime Navigation at Santander European Institute of Maritime Studies. He worked at Alberto Herreros Lawyers (Santander) and Emilo Bolado Group at the Department of Tendering and Contracting (Cantabria). In 2005 he joined the Port Authority of Santander where he currently holds the position of Head of Administration and Legal Services. He was Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Santander (2005-2010) and currently he is Secretary of the Board of Navigation and Port since 2006. He has been teacher in the Master of Science and Technology for Coastal Management, Latin American Port Technology, Operations and Environment Management in Ports, and Costs and Ports Engineering of Cantabria University.
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La transformación del frente marítimo de Santander: 1985-2010. Proyectos e intervenciones
A lo largo del cuarto de siglo que transcurre entre 1985 y 2010 el Puerto de…