This article was prepared within the framework of the technical cooperation project between the Brazilian government…
Diana Lopes
Civil Engineer, Master Degree in Geotechnics. UNESCO consultant for the pact for sustainable Suape. Porto, Portugal.
Civil Engineer, Master Degree in Geotechnics (2012) Faculty of Engineering of Oporto University. Geotechical project engineer at Techne Engenheiros Consultores (2014-2016), participation in two articles: ’’Estudos Geológicos-Geotécnicos para Implantação da Barragem Venturosa, Localizada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Ipanema, Venturosa - PE‘‘ (2016) and ’’Investigações Geológicas Geotécnicas para implantação da Barragem São Bento Do Una - PE“ (2015). Construction Management in Caminha Empreendimentos Ltda. (2013-2014). Internship in Geocontrole to develop the master theses. Currently UNESCO consultant for the project Pact for Sustainable Suape.