Recife foi fundada em 1537 e, como diversas cidades portuárias brasileiras, nasceu e se desenvolveu em…
Cristiano Felipe Borba do Nascimento
Analyst in Science and Technology on Board of Memory, Education, Culture and Art of the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. Recife, Brazil
Architect and urban planner (Federal University of Pernambuco, 1999-2005, and Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, 2003-2004). Doctor in Urban Development (Design Building and City Design) graduated from the Graduate Program in Urban Development at the Federal University of Pernambuco (2009-2013). Analyst in Science and Technology on Board of Memory, Education, Culture and Art of the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, working in the areas of design and theory of architecture, with emphasis on studies of urban morphology and building, and conservation of modern architecture.