Smart Rivers 2019

21 Novembre, 2018

Cité Internationale, Lyon (France),

September 30 – October 3, 2019

Smart Rivers 2019

The conference Smart Rivers 2019 will take please from 30th September to 3rd October 2019 at the Cité International in the Centre de Congrès in Lyon.

Since 2004, this international event takes place every two years, under the umbrella of the World Association of waterborne transport infrastructure (PIANC).

The conference is an incomparable opportunity to meet international actors of river transport and the global transportation network. It is a privileged place of exchange around the best practices and global trends in the field of sustainable development of inland waterways within the overall supply of transport.

The presentations and high-level conferences are designed to share the practices and experiences of managers of waterways or river ports, transport operators, engineering companies, in particular on this topics:

  • Waterway infrastructure (Innovative infrastructure design, Structural Health Monitoring, Building information modelling (BIM), Asset management, Reliability, Maintenance, Resilience);
  • Smart Inland Waterway Transport (E-navigation, River information services; Safe and secure operation; Cyber-security; How Big Data and Block Chain will help);
  • River induced Land Planning and Development (Waterway Transport policies, Funding issues and Business models, Climate change, Environmental transition, Energy transition, Working with nature, Cruise shipping and Recreational boating, Urban integration of waterways)
  • Water and Sediment Management (Sediment transport modeling, Smart dredging technology, Ecotox analysis, Remediation and re-use of Dredging material, Water resources management, Water levels)
  • Multimodality (Logistics at the river-sea interface, Port Gateways and cooperation and cooperation between maritime and inland ports, Flexible Lay-outs, Data processing)
  • Innovation and Future Trends (Future trends in river energy production, Advanced navigation systems, Smart energy management of river going vessels, Digitalization of the river cyberspace, Other innovations in vessel design)

The Smart Rivers conference includes technical short courses on specific topics, plenary sessions, concurrent technical sessions grouped by theme, an integrated industry exhibition, technical and cultural tour. The event also promotes exchanges and networking.

More information

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