The sustainable lifestyle of Aalborg

The strongest and most appealing image of Aalborg is its waterfront, facing the Limfjord that runs…

How to redesign a port-city’s landscape and relations: the regeneration of the urban waterfront in the port-city of Taranto

The Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea – Port of Taranto and the Municipality of…

The Port of Livorno: the gateway between the city and the sea

Interview with Stefano Corsini, President of the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority Marco Casale –…

Porta a Mare: the New Face of Livorno toward the Sea

The name Porta a Mare identifies the extensive urban redevelopment project that involves a waterfront area…

Temple and the merchants

In Inhabited by 3 million people and 4 million with its surroundings, at first sight Casablanca…

Preservation and placemaking along Philadelphia’s Delaware River waterfront

Philadelphia is a city of 1.58 million people located in the southeastern corner of the Commonwealth…

La construcción ininterrumpida de la ciudad: el hotel-casino en el Puerto de Santa Fe

En “La armonía y los conflictos” [1] Antonio Foscari y Manfredo Tafuri señalaban que el proyecto…

Escuchar a la obra como quiere ser hecha. Reciclaje industrial en Puerto Bories

Declarado monumento histórico nacional en 1996, las edificaciones y restos del ex frigorífico Puerto Bories, en…

Muelle Vergara: Ícono de la transformación urbana en la costa de Viña del Mar

El Muelle Vergara es uno de los lugares característicos de Viña del Mar, una ciudad turística…

Las Bodegas Simón Bolívar en el puerto de Valparaíso. ¿Preservación y reutilización del patrimonio portuario?

El puerto de Valparaíso es lugar de antigua data en términos de su ocupación, ya era…

Aduana Marítima de Tampico, los primeros 120 años

Tampico es un puerto mexicano en la orilla norte del Río Pánuco, cerca de su desembocadura…

Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey (UK): Conservation and reuse of the Royal Naval Dockyard

It is the river and the sea that have shaped the settlement of Sheerness, a small…

Antwerp’s ‘Het Eilandje’, heritage as a key to urban redevelopment

Until the 1960s, Het Eilandje (‘the Islet’) in Antwerp was a lively port neighbourhood, where industrial…

Genova: la riqualificazione dell’antico porto

Genova città portuale che per centinaia di anni ha vissuto ed è cresciuta attorno al porto…

Shipping Cities Development: workshop di progettazione collaborativa

Il gruppo di ricerca sulle “Città di mare” del CNR IRISS – che porta avanti, da…

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