Scenari delle città portuali durante e dopo il COVID-19

Scenari delle città portuali durante e dopo il COVID-19

L’idea lanciare il ciclo di webinar “Port-city scenarios during and after the Covid-19” sull’impatto della pandemia nelle città portuali maturò ...
Rethinking city-port governance in the times of Covid-19 pandemic: Livorno Municipality response to the crisis

Rethinking city-port governance in the times of Covid-19 pandemic: Livorno Municipality response to the crisis

The Covid-19 crisis changed the face of many cities and questioned how to manage urban life and socio-economic problems in ...
Latinoamerica y el Caribe. Llegan epocas de acelerar el futuro

Latinoamerica y el Caribe. Llegan epocas de acelerar el futuro

Las condiciones y características del futuro de las Ciudades Puerto, una vez más está en revisión, esta oportunidad con motivo ...
Effects of COVID-19 on city and port plans. Valencia

Effects of COVID-19 on city and port plans. Valencia

Protecting people's lives against life-threatening COVID 19 disease has changed everything in our days all over the world. Patterns of ...
El rol de las Autoridades Portuarias en la gestión de la pandemia en España

El rol de las Autoridades Portuarias en la gestión de la pandemia en España

La presente Nota, se refiere a mi intervención en la 1ª Webinar de RETE, del pasado 4 de mayo, sobre ...
Panama Canal / COVID-19: economical dynamics and regional impact

Panama Canal / COVID-19: economical dynamics and regional impact

Roger Humberto RÍOS DUARTE
Adam Smith understood that, somewhere in Central America, there should be a passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Humboldt, ...
Large Scale Territories, the Port-City of Santos and the Accelerators of the Future

Large Scale Territories, the Port-City of Santos and the Accelerators of the Future

Adilson Luiz GONÇALVES
According to the WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, updated on September 4, 2020, the world had 26,121,999 confirmed cases, and ...
Proteccionismo vs Globalización. Apertura hacia las asociaciones regionales

Proteccionismo vs Globalización. Apertura hacia las asociaciones regionales

Jorge Gerardo METZ
Las tendencias proteccionistas afectan las barreras comerciales de los países. Las condiciones que determinaban el crecimiento de intercambio dicen que ...
Port Futures in Postnormal Time(s)

Port Futures in Postnormal Time(s)

Stephen RAMOS
“Any useful idea about the futures should appear to be ridiculous” (Datour, 1996). In one of his three axioms, Futurist ...
Port Cities and Crisis: Reflections on What Covid-19 Revealed

Port Cities and Crisis: Reflections on What Covid-19 Revealed

It is a commonplace to say that crisis reveal latent strengths and weaknesses. When the COVID-19 epidemic of 2020 hit, ...
The integrated and intermodal node in a post pandemic scenario

The integrated and intermodal node in a post pandemic scenario

In a world economy that has changed the configuration model from inner clusters to open global networks, also the role ...
Challenges for city development and port activities after COVID-19: the Case of Montevideo

Challenges for city development and port activities after COVID-19: the Case of Montevideo

Montevideo is located on the River Plate, the river mouth of the 3440 km long Paraná Paraguay Waterway. The River ...
Ciudades Portuarias y COVID 19 en Latinoamérica

Ciudades Portuarias y COVID 19 en Latinoamérica

Horacio Cristian TERRAZA
Cuando me propusieron presentar sobre las ciudades portuarias y el COVID 19 en Latinoamérica intente encontrar un elemento común que ...
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