Ecosystem services approach planning for sustainable port management

The ecosystem can be defined as a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and…

Professional and Academic Conferences on Port Cities: Connecting Past, Present, and Future

In cities with and without major ports, from Hamburg to Lisbon, from Paris to Barcelona, from…

Port development experiences in Valencian medium-sized cities

The problems posed by the coexistence of ports and urban fabrics are in part common to…

Do mega-ships need mega-ports?

Mega-ships are here to stay, if you like it or not. The last decade has seen…

La città immaginata. Dalle esplorazioni puntuali ad una visione collettiva della città portuale

Nel corso degli ultimi decenni il Porto di Genova è stato oggetto di diverse riflessioni progettuali,…

La macroregione portuale del XXI secolo

Il Piano Regolatore Portuale vigente del porto di Genova, approvato nel 2001, rappresentò una delle prime…

The role of Public Participation in sustainable port planning

Transport infrastructures are complex systems for the many actors involved, their conflicting interests and for the…

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