PROCIP: Methodological experiences for the scientific approach to the port city

When the PROCIP began to organize the maritime-port symposia in 2009, we took note on the…

Professional and Academic Conferences on Port Cities: Connecting Past, Present, and Future

In cities with and without major ports, from Hamburg to Lisbon, from Paris to Barcelona, from…

El nuevo canal de Panamá y las ciudades portuarias de su entorno

La inauguración de la ampliación del canal de Panamá está prevista para el año 2016. Esta…

Efectos de las nuevas obras en Suez y Panamá sobre puertos y ciudades

Son numerosos los canales y vías de navegación en el mundo que favorecen, y a la…

Temporalities of the Port, the Waterfront and the Port City

On-time delivery, rapid turnaround, commodity flows: maritime logistics is geared to speed and depends on global…

Do mega-ships need mega-ports?

Mega-ships are here to stay, if you like it or not. The last decade has seen…

Naples. Two Tales of one City. Second Tale: The Royal Court Cuisine

Cooking of capital cities, even the more modest, always own a je ne sais quoi of…

La transformación del frente marítimo de Santander: 1985-2010. Proyectos e intervenciones

A lo largo del cuarto de siglo que transcurre entre 1985 y 2010 el Puerto de…

Interview with José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, President of the Port Authority of Santander

Rinio Bruttomesso – For some time, ports and port cities have been going through a phase…

Motores y tendencias de cambio en la ciudad portuaria. Mapping 2035. Reflexiones

Comentaba Francisco Jarauta en una conferencia sobre el “Futuro de las Ciudades” [1], que ya en 1970…

Encuentro-Coloquio: Motores y Tendencias de Cambio en la Ciudad Portuaria

En la actualidad, la confluencia e interacción de poderosas dinámicas de cambio en ámbitos tales como…

Central America starts network of port cities

Actually, there is a good chance to create a Central American network for the study of…

The Missing Link: Redevelopment of the Urban Waterfront as a Function of Cruise Ship Tourism

Port cities have held a key role for socio-economic and cultural development of many regions since…

Le temps des ports. Décline et renaissance des villes portuaires (1940-2010) – Storia dei porti. Declino e rinascita delle città portuali (1940-2010)

Sometimes luck smiles on you and you are offered a twofold opportunity. Such luck came my…

The Dark Side of the Port

In every seaside city, fishermen’s families have always thought out to prepare main courses using leftovers…

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