Cruise passengers arriving at the Port of Leixões are first greeted by the sight of the…
A Cruise Passenger in Spanish Ports: The Experience Starts Here
Un crucerista en los puertos españoles: la experiencia comienza aquí La perspectiva tradicional que los puertos…
RoRo and Ferry Ship Terminals
Terminales para buques RoRo y Ferry En el presente número de PORTUS trataremos de las terminales…
Cruise terminals
Terminales de cruceros A diferencia de lo que hemos venido haciendo en los últimos cuatro números…
Biometric solutions for the operational simplification of boarding processes
Within the Maritime Transport ecosystem, the flow of people is of great relevance for different public…
The integrated and intermodal node in a post pandemic scenario
In a world economy that has changed the configuration model from inner clusters to open global…