PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…
Matarani (Perù). Port Culture and Identity Enhancement Programme
Matarani (Perù) Programa de puesta en valor de la cultura e identidad portuaria Emplazamiento Vista satelital…
PORTUSplus promote the Multidisciplinary Approach in the Scientific Research
Call for Papers “Research Themes” | Deadline: September 30, 2024
PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…
PORTRAIT of Catania
PORTRAIT di CataniaPresentazione Quest’ultimo numero di PORTUS PORTRAIT è dedicato a Catania, un luogo dove storia,…
Palazzo Biscari Overlooking the Sea Terrace of Catania
Palazzo Biscari affacciato sulla terrazza a mare di Catania Il palazzo dei Principi di Biscari è,…
The Port as a Transformative Element of the City’s Cultural Space: The Example of Santander
El puerto como elemento transformador del espacio cultural de la ciudad: el caso de Santander Introducción…
PORTUSplus promote the Multidisciplinary Approach in the Scientific Research
Call for Papers “Research Themes” | Deadline: June 30, 2024
PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…
Handbook of Waterfront Cities and Urbanism
Handbook of Waterfront Cities and Urbanism is the first resource to address cities’ transformations of their…
Port of Huelva, From Millennial History to a Multidisciplinary Vision
Puerto de Huelva, de la historia milenaria a la visión multidisciplinar La Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva…
The port in support of culture
Il porto a sostegno della cultura I difficili mesi che ci hanno preceduto, segnati dalla pandemia…
Port and City: Towards a More People-Based Approach? Interview with Helmut THÖLE
Thank you very much for accepting this interview for PORTUS Portrait, focused on Rotterdam. We would…
Montevideo y la República Oriental del Uruguay
El concepto de Nación – Son múltiples y variadas las definiciones que se han efectuado del…
Fossi di Livorno: the canals at the heart of the history, form and layout of the city
Livorno is a port city and it is in the district known as Venezia Nuova that…
Campus de los Museos UACh. Río, Cultura e Historia
Valdivia es una ciudad fluvial situada en el sur de Chile. Sus orígenes se remontan al…
Livorno, the Port Center for a new port-city integration
“Livorno is an example of how integration and cultural contamination could reach levels of excellence and…