Synergy Between the Ports of Catania and Augusta: A Virtuous Example of Systemisation

20 Giugno, 2024

In Italy, the National Strategic Plan for Ports and Logistics launched, in 2015, a process of reform of the entire national port and logistics system, in order to optimise management and promote the development, efficiency and competitiveness of the Italian port system at an international level, within a single vision, monitored by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and directly connected to European policies for the development of the TEN-T network. Legislative Decree No. 169/2016 introduced port systems, composed of several seaports, and established 16 Port System Authorities (PSAs), as new public bodies with the competence of managing and organising goods and services to promote the coordination of individual ports. The new structure therefore aims to systemise ports, enhancing the peculiarities and optimising the resources of individual ports.

As a result of the aforementioned Decree, the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicily Sea was established, composed of, among others, the ports of Catania (Ten-T Comprehensive network port) located on the eastern coast of the island at the base of Mount Etna, Augusta (Ten-T Core network port), about 23 nautical miles further south, and Pozzallo, located on the south-eastern coast, about 74 nautical miles from Catania, in a strategic position for trade routes (Cocuzza et all., 2024). In addition, the official annexation to the Port System of Syracuse, still awaiting final approval, is underway.

Each seaport has different peculiarities and characteristics. Augusta is one of the leading ports in Italy for liquid bulk traffic, serving the nearby industrial pole; it also has a commercial port used mainly for dry bulk, a military base and, in the urban port area, two docks that host shipyards, repair facilities and facilities for fishing and pleasure boating.  Catania, on the other hand, is a commercial and tourist port located within the city’s historic centre, focusing on Ro-Ro and container traffic; there are also general cargo, dry bulk, cruise traffic, which is growing steadily, pleasure boating, shipyards and fishing activities. Pozzallo is a commercial port that handles mainly containers, general cargo and dry bulk and has a fixed connection with Malta, initially only for passenger transport and later also for car and truck transport.

Table 1. 2023 Traffic data the Eastern Sicily Sea Port System (Elena Cocuzza elaboration. Data Source: Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicily Sea;

In order to enhance the specific vocations of each of them, the PSA of the Eastern Sicily Sea is reorganising traffic and the overall structure to strengthen the port system and promote regional economic development. Therefore, it has taken the decision to move container traffic from Catania to Augusta, and on 23 March 2024, the Container Terminal was inaugurated in Augusta with the landing of the M/V MICHIGAN ship.

Augusta and Catania port layouts. (Source: Elena Cocuzza elaboration based on source

This strategic choice is motivated by Augusta’s potential to become a logistics hub due to its geographic location, infrastructure better suited to handle large container volumes, deeper seabed and ample space for the expansion of loading and unloading activities, compared to Catania. In contrast to the Catania terminal, which has an area of 20,000 square metres and a depth of 8 metres, the existing Augusta container terminal has an area of approximately 86,000 square metres, a quay length of about 260 metres and an average draught of 14 metres.

Project of the new container terminal (in orange). (Source: Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea).

In addition, work is underway to expand the existing yards through the construction of an additional container terminal, in the area north of the existing one, which will have an extension of about 120,000 square metres and three operational quays, for a total development of about 600 metres. Furthermore, Augusta has a direct connection to the regional motorway system, which allows a clear separation between the different types of flows, thus avoiding congestion of city traffic.

The container terminal in the Port of Augusta. (Photo: Elena Cocuzza).

Container handling operations in the Port of Augusta. (Photo: Elena Cocuzza).

Recently, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Transport, the Italian Railway Network Company and the Port System Authority to build a railway link to connect the port of Augusta to the national railway network. This intervention would allow, in the long term, and with a view to completing the considerable investments on the island’s territory that are currently underway, to relaunch the mode of transport of goods by rail, which is currently marginalised due to the structure of the railway network.

The container terminal in the Port of Catania. (Photo: Elena Cocuzza).

At the same time, the PSA started the process for the preparation of Catania’s new Port Master Plan, which was presented to the city council on 12 March 2024. The proposal aims to promote the development of the cruise sector and the port’s tourist and passenger vocation, thanks to its aforementioned proximity to the city centre, and to create a port-city integration area, with a filter strip with the urban fabric.

Therefore, the synergy between Catania and Augusta is a virtuous example of the systemisation of the different seaports. It represents a step forward towards an integrated and sustainable management of the system’s resources that optimises the management of maritime traffic, enhances the specificities of each port, and promotes operational efficiency, economic growth and the competitiveness of the entire port system. The strategic choices implemented by the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicily Sea reflect a long-term vision that aims to transform the ports under its jurisdiction into modern and competitive ports of call, capable of attracting new traffic and investment, thus contributing to the economic development of the Region.

HEAD IMAGE | The container terminal of the port of Catania. (Source: 2024/01/17/porto-di-augusta-nuovo-terminal-ospitera-i-container-di-catania/).


[1] “Riorganizzazione, razionalizzazione e semplificazione della disciplina concernente le Autorità portuali”.
[2] Inizialmente sono state istituite 15 AdSP. Successivamente, l’Autorità di Sistema portuale del Mar Tirreno Meridionale Jonio e dello Stretto è stata divisa in AdSP dello Stretto (Porti di Messina e Milazzo) e AdSP dei Mari Tirreno Meridionale e Ionio (Porti di Gioia Tauro, Corigliano, Crotone, Palmi).
[3] Pozzallo has been included in the system in 2022.

[1] “Riorganizzazione, razionalizzazione e semplificazione della disciplina concernente le Autorità portuali”.
[2] Initially, 15 PSAs were established. Subsequently, the Port System Authority of the Southern Ionian and Strait Tyrrhenian Sea was divided into PSA of the Strait (Ports of Messina and Milazzo) and PSA of the Southern Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas (Ports of Gioia Tauro, Corigliano, Crotone, Palmi).
[3] Pozzallo has been included in the system in 2022.



Cocuzza, E., Ignaccolo, M., & Campisi, T. (2024, March). An analysis of the development of smart ports in the Sicilian context. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3030, No. 1). AIP Publishing.


I would like to thank Antonio Pandolfo, President – Sales and Marketing Director at EST – Europea Servizi Terminalistici SRL (the terminal company of the Port of Catania and Augusta), and Salvatore Benfante, Container Terminal Manager at EST, for their continuous availability and kindness in supporting my research work.

Article reference for citation:

COCUZZA, Elena. “Synergy Between the Ports of Catania and Augusta: A Virtuous Example of Systemisation”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

COCUZZA, Elena. “La sinergia tra i porti di Catania e Augusta: un esempio virtuoso di sistematizzazione”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

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