Portus 31 – June 2016

PROCIP: Methodological experiences for the scientific approach to the port city
When the PROCIP began to organize the maritime-port symposia in 2009, we took note on the European expert experiences who visited us. IACP and RETE gave us the first lessons, showing interesting work schemes in southern and northern Europe. His ...

La invención del barco, es la invención del naufragio
"La invención del barco, es la invención del naufragio". El casual encuentro con esta frase, nombre de una circunstancial obra de teatro, me ha permitido dar precisión a una secuencia de reflexiones, resultado a su vez de otras lecturas u ...

The spirit of port-cities
A city is a spatial and an economic reality, but also something more esoteric: an agglomeration of values, of mentalities - even of spirituality. Joel Kotkin has stated that great cities foster three elements: personal safety, economic possibilities and sacredness ...

Writing Port Cities
In Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino famously imagined Marco Polo describing imaginary cities to Kublai Khan. Reflecting on his home city of Venice, he “put together, piece by piece, the perfect city,” a city that is “discontinuous in space and time” ...

Harbour landscapes as incubators of the next economy
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area towards the surrounding landscape of which the harbour is a constitutive part – surrounding landscape means physical landscape in the ...

El gran regreso del marino icono de la cultura popular: Corto Maltés
Para conmemorar el veinte aniversario de la desaparición de Hugo Pratt (1927-1995), los herederos de la licencia del personaje de Corto Maltés han impulsado la recuperación del marino más popular de la cultura popular. Los escogidos para tan esperado proyecto ...