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PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 34, December 2017, Year XVIIISSN 2282-5789…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 33, June 2017, Year XVIIISSN 2282-5789…

The Port and the City. On board diary

A research trip focused in the relation between cities and ports, two realities that have given…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 32, December 2016, Year XVIISSN 2282-5789…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 31, June 2016, Year XVIISSN 2282-5789…

Viaggio in Levante. Armature urbane, popoli e paesaggi

Questo libro è il racconto di un viaggio alla scoperta di realtà diverse. I luoghi e…

Getsemaní, casa tomada

Getsemaní es uno de los barrios más representativos de Cartagena de Indias, en donde han ocurrido…

Valparaíso: el impacto patrimonial del Terminal 2 y del Mall Barón

ÚLTIMA HORA Sobre el estudio de impacto patrimonial de los proyectos del puerto de Valparaíso  …

Maritime Networks Spatial Structures and Time Dynamics

The volume provides an exhaustive analysis of past and contemporary maritime flows and networks featuring evocative…

Imágenes para la historia. La construcción de los grandes canales de navegación

“El canal de Suez conecta Port Said, en el Mediterráneo, pasando por Ismaïlia, con el Port…

Grandes canales internacionales, puertos y ciudades portuarias

¿Por qué un Report dedicado fundamentalmente a describir y analizar las obras actuales de los canales…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 30, October 2015, Year XVISSN 2282-5789…


PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 29, June 2015, Year XVISSN 2282-5789…

Investire in infrastrutture, priorità per l’Europa

Molti degli articoli di questo numero della rivista Dossier UE, a cura di SRM (Centro Studi…

On the move

On the Move is the fourth volume of the Landscape Architecture Europe (LAE) series that presents…

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