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Athens, Where the Olive Tree is More than a Tree

Atene, dove l’ulivo è più di un albero L’olio d’oliva è uno degli ingredienti onnipresenti della…

Gastrourbanism Tactics

Tattiche gastrourbanistiche La trasformazione e la riconversione delle aree di waterfront dismesse rappresentano sfide significative, ma…

The Constant Resistivity of Sardinian Cuisine

La costante resistenziale della cucina sarda Le città portuali sono spesso luoghi di intensa ibridazione dove…

Palermo Saved from the Sea on Saint Lucia Day

La salvezza che arrivò a Palermo dal mare nel giorno di Santa Lucia Se provaste a…

A Thousand and One Recipes with Porto’s Bacalhau

Le Mille e Una ricette del Bacalhau di Porto Nomen est omen Nomen est Omen Torniamo…

Cous cous teaches that love never stops!

Il cous cous ci insegna che l’amore non si ferma, mai! Pensate ad una spiaggia lunghissima,…

The Southeast Asian Lady {Boy}

Call it The City of the Lion or an Asian Tiger, a westernized country or an…

The wild side of the New Nordic Cuisine

Although Denmark is part of Europe, when viewed from the point of view of physical geography,…

The sustainable lifestyle of Aalborg

The strongest and most appealing image of Aalborg is its waterfront, facing the Limfjord that runs…

The remote and exclusive taste of border port cities

Port cities with exclusive, symbiotic and intense karmic bond with its own harbour can be counted…

Temple and the merchants

In Inhabited by 3 million people and 4 million with its surroundings, at first sight Casablanca…

The beautiful Yvonne of Louisiana

It’s a warm summer night, the moon is shining and her light beams glitter on the…

Copenhagen comfort zone

Chiunque vada a Copenhagen torna sedotto dalla città. Chi dalla bellezza, chi dal decoro, chi dall’efficienza,…

Venice taverns

They lay there, stored on the highest memory shelves, those reachable only with a ladder. Hidden…

Lights on the city

At the beginning it was Chandlers Street. If “street names are like the title of chapters…

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